CBT Nuggets Microsoft Azure 70-532

CBT Nuggets Microsoft Azure 70-532

CBT Nuggets Microsoft Azure 70-532


CBT Nuggets Microsoft Azure 70-532

CBT Nuggets Microsoft Azure 70-532

Microsoft Azure 70-532
This Microsoft Azure video training course with Ben Finkel covers the topics and material required to fully understand how to develop, implement, monitor, and troubleshoot resilient and scalable solutions on the Azure platform.

Recommended skills:
1+ years of web development experience (.NET, PHP, Node.js, or Python)
Understanding of basic networking concepts
Experience working with virtualization and virtual machines

Recommended equipment:
A desktop computer running Microsoft Windows version 7, 8, or 10
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

Related certifications:
70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
70-533: Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions

Related job functions:
Web development
Application engineer/team lead

70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions is an introduction to the various components that make up the Microsoft Azure platform. As a developer-focused course, these Nuggets will address these features from the perspective of an aspiring or experienced web developer. This course also will help you prepare for the certification exam, by covering each course objective, as well as demonstrating practical applications for using these features.

The 70-532 exam and this course cover the following general topics: Implementing Websites, Creating Virtual Machines, Implementing Cloud Services, Designing an Azure Storage Strategy, and Azure Virtual Networks.

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1. Introduction to Azure Websites (21 min)
Microsoft 70-533 Exam (Take 2). This Nugget introduces you to the MS Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) called Azure Websites. It covers the concept of Azure Websites at a high level and discusses how they fit into the larger Azure product offerings. We finish with a brief demonstration of deploying a website into your Azure subscription, using both Visual Studio 2013 and Microsoft WebMatrix.
2. Azure Websites: Deployment Slots (17 min)
This Nugget walks through the use case for Deployment Slots in Azure Websites. This includes how to understand slots and their function as well as useful strategies for getting the most out of slots. We finish with a demonstration of creating Deployment Slots and swapping a live website between various slots.
3. Azure Websites: Hosting Plans (13 min)
This Nugget demonstrates the features of Microsoft Azure Web Hosting Plans, also known as pricing tiers. We discuss what a hosting plan is and what settings it configures for your website and then demonstrate how to create and adjust the hosting plans for your websites.
4. Azure Websites: Site Settings (17 min)
This Nugget discusses the ways in which you can configure your Azure Website web server using App Settings, Connection Strings, and General Settings. We also briefly look at default documents, virtual applications, and handlers.
5. Azure Websites: Custom Domains and SSL (15 min)
This Nugget shows how to setup your own custom domain and attach it to your Azure Website so users can browse via a branded URL instead of azurewebsites.net We also discuss setting up an SSL certificate on that URL so you can ensure encrypted communication across HTTPS.
6. Azure Websites: Diagnostics and Debugging (21 min)
This Nugget covers in-depth the diagnostic and error output you can receive from your Azure Website. We examine the generation of both Application and Site logs and configure our site to output those log files to the file system and to Azure Storage. We also connect to our live site to stream logs and remotely debug the application.
7. Azure Websites: Monitoring and Alerts (14 min)
In this Nugget we walk through the various resource and utilization monitoring tools that Azure offers for Websites. This includes charting and graphing capabilities in the Portal interface as well as email notification alerts for proactively addressing problems.
8. Azure Websites: Scaling (12 min)
This Nugget demonstrates how to create a dynamic website that can be scaled or even scale itself in order to match your traffic. We demonstrate the scaling features available both in the new Azure Portal and the older Azure Management Interface.
9. Azure Websites: Traffic Manager (17 min)
This Nugget introduces the DNS-based load balancer for Azure called Traffic Manager. We discuss the various load-balancing mechanisms available and review the DNS resolution process at a high level. We then configure Traffic Manager to balance across two different instances of our website.
10. Azure Websites: Resilience Patterns (11 min)
This Nugget covers three important resilience patterns you should know for working with Microsoft Azure Websites: Retry Pattern, Throttling Pattern, and Circuit-Breaker Pattern. We go over each pattern in detail and discuss how and when they should be implemented.
11. Azure Websites: WebJobs (8 min)
This Nugget demonstrates how to use Azure WebJobs to run scripts in the background of your Azure Website. Three different Powershell (.ps1) scripts are created and uploaded to an Azure website and then we review the output for each.
12. Introduction to Azure Virtual Machines (10 min)
This Nugget covers a high-level look at the Azure Virtual Machine offering from Microsoft. We discuss the use-cases for Azure VMs and take a brief look at pricing options.
13. Azure Virtual Machines: Creating New VMs (10 min)
This Nugget shows off the easiest ways to spin up new Virtual Machines on the Microsoft Azure Platform. We discuss briefly what Azure VM workloads are supported and then use the Web Interface, Powershell, and Microsoft Visual Studio to work with Azure VMs.
14. Azure Virtual Machines: VHDs, Disks, and Images (16 min)
This Nugget covers the files that Microsoft Azure uses to store the hard disk information for Virtual Machines. We discern the difference between VHDs, Disks, and Images and then use our own VHD to build a custom VM as well as create an Image from our VM.
15. Azure Virtual Machines: Custom Extensions (11 min)
This Nugget shows off the various custom extensions that can be enabled on Azure Virtual Machines. In particular we demonstrate how to use the Azure PowerShell Custom Script Extension and Desired State Configuration Extension in order to perform configuration management on our VMs.
16. Azure Virtual Machines: Networks and Cloud Services (12 min)
This Nugget covers the distinctions between Virtual Networks and Cloud Services, two logical "categories" that Azure VMs are put into during creation. We look at what each of these features provides and how the current Management Interface differs from the new Preview Portal when creating new machines.
17. Azure Virtual Machines: Endpoints, ACLs, and Load Balancing (19 min)
This Nugget covers the intricacies of connecting to your Azure VMs via Endpoints, and how to balance and protect those endpoints with Azure Load Balancer and Access Control Lists (ACLs).
18. Azure Virtual Machines: Scaling and Availability (13 min)
This Nugget covers grouping Azure VMs into a named Availability Set and how that ensures your machines remain available in the face of hardware problems or host updates from the data center. We also discuss how to scale the size of our VMs manually and dynamically to respond to changing traffic patterns.
19. Azure Virtual Machines: Storage Planning (19 min)
This Nugget discusses how Azure VMs use Azure Storage to store virtual hard disks (.vhds) and how to plan around the limits imposed. We also discuss basic redundancy settings for the Azure Storage account where a .vhd is stored and how to combine multiple disks into a Storage Pool to get around the individual disk limits.
20. Azure Virtual Machines: Diagnostic Measurements (10 min)
In this Nugget we discuss how to monitor various diagnostic measurements and metrics for active VMs. We look at basic built-in monitoring as well as a few different advanced monitoring options including Endpoint Monitoring. We also learn how to setup custom alerts on those metrics for automated emails whenever thresholds are hit.
21. Introduction to Azure Cloud Services (14 min)
This Nugget introduces the basic concepts behind Azure's Cloud Services offering. We discuss the features that separates cloud services both from Azure VMs and Azure Websites, and finish with a quick deployment demo pushing an app into a cloud service.
22. Azure Cloud Services: Building Cloud Services (14 min)
This Nugget takes us through the details of building a basic Azure Cloud Service including Web Roles and Worker Roles, and how to use Visual Studio Templates to create and deploy them.
23. Azure Cloud Services: Scaling Cloud Services (13 min)
In this Nugget we discuss the ways in which Azure Cloud Services can be scaled to increase server capacity and meet the demand of your implementation. We demonstrate rolling out an updated scaling platform and setting up dynamically scaled Web and Worker Roles.
24. Azure Cloud Services: Endpoints (15 min)
This Nugget covers the configuration of network Endpoints on Azure Cloud Services which allow network communication to and between Cloud Service roles. We discuss both Input and Internal Endpoints, and attach an SSL certificate to an Endpoint to allow HTTPS traffic.
25. Azure Cloud Services: Network Traffic and ACLs (9 min)
This Nugget covers the elements of service definition and configuration that allow us to control traffic to and from our Cloud Service Endpoints. Namely Network Traffic Rules for internal communication and Access Control Lists (ACLs) for external communication.
26. Azure Cloud Services: Networking (17 min)
This Nugget demonstrates how to join a Cloud Service to an existing Virtual Network. We also discuss how to setup reserved public Virtual IP addresses for the Cloud Service and to enable direct public access to individual instances.
27. Azure Cloud Services: Managing Websites (12 min)
In this Nugget we'll learn how to setup multiple website for a single Cloud Service role. Along the way we'll setup a custom domain and host header for our Web Role so we can use our own domain name on the Cloud Service.
28. Azure Cloud Services: Local Storage (11 min)
In this Nugget we'll go over two local storage options for Azure Cloud Services. Local Storage allows us to create space on the local HDD of our Cloud Services for fast temporary data reading and writing, while In-Role Caching creates an in memory cache for us to use.
29. Azure Cloud Services: Diagnostics and Debugging (12 min)
This Nugget covers the diagnostic and remote debugging tools available to us for our Azure Cloud Services. We enable logging and stream those logs into an Azure Storage account as well as connecting a debugger up to our live Cloud Service.
30. Introduction to Azure Storage (10 min)
This Nuggets introduces the Azure Storage topic and covers the high level overview of the technology we'll be learning about. That includes both Azure Storage and it's underlying features as well as pricing details.
31. Azure Storage: Storage Accounts (9 min)
This Nugget discusses the Accounts that are used to house your Azure Storage Blobs, Tables, Files, and Queues. We create a new account in the Azure portal and look at the various redundancy and access key settings.
32. Azure Storage: Containers and Blobs (12 min)
This Nugget covers the basics of Azure Blob Storage. We create a new container in our Azure Storage account and upload a blob file to it via two methods: using the AzCopy utility and through the .NET library.
33. Azure Storage: Advanced Blob Features (11 min)
This Nugget introduces a few different advanced features we can use on our Azure Blob Storage containers and blobs. This includes Page versus Block blobs, metadata, blob hierarchy, and the Async Blob Copy feature.
34. Azure Storage: Tables (13 min)
This Nugget introduces the NoSQL datastore in Azure Storage called Tables. We discuss how Tables are structured and partitioned and then demonstrate some .NET API code to create Tables and Entities and perform a batch update.
35. Azure Storage: Queues (11 min)
This Nugget covers the basics of Azure Storage Queues. We discuss how Queues are used to store and process workloads asynchronously and take a look at how to work with Queues in the .NET API library.
36. Azure Storage: Access Control (16 min)
This Nugget covers the details of controlling access to your Azure Storage account. We discuss both Access Keys and Shared Access Signatures and demonstrate using both mechanisms.
37. Azure Storage: Monitoring (10 min)
This Nugget covers the mechanisms for monitoring usage and errors on your Azure Storage account. We look at both metrics collected as well as request logging.
38. Azure Storage: SQL Databases (9 min)
This Nugget introduces the basics of working with Microsoft Azure SQL Databases. We spin up and connect to a database to demonstrate how easy and fast it is to work with Azure SQL Databases.
39. Azure Integration: Azure Active Directory (19 min)
This Nugget provides a brief overview of the Azure Active Directory. We take the time to spin up a directory tenant and then manage it with the Graph API.
40. Azure Integration: Virtual Networks (8 min)
This Nugget provides a brief overview of the Azure Virtual Network resource. We discuss how to create Address Spaces and build Subnets in those spaces and then deploy a Virtual Machine to the Network.
41. Azure Integration: Service Bus (16 min)
This Nugget introduces the Azure Service Bus, a global messaging infrastructure for Azure. We discuss both Azure Queues and Topics, and demonstrate how to use the Azure Service Bus API with Azure Queues.

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